What information do I need when making pre-arrangements or arrangements for a funeral?

When making arrangements for a funeral, it is helpful to have the following information about the deceased readily available: 

    -Date of birth

    -Place of birth

    -Full names of mother and father

    -Recent photograph

    -Social Security Number

    -Cemetery Deed (if you own a cemetery lot)

    -If a veteran, discharge papers


I understand that Social Security pays a death benefit.  How do I apply for this?

Social Security pays a death benefit of $255 to a spouse or minor child. Wackerman Funeral Home will notify the Social Security Administration of the death and the recipient will receive the check directly.


Are veterans entitled to any special death benefits?

Some counties pay death benefits to families of veterans; the amount varies by county. Wackerman Funeral Home will notify the county and the county will forward the check to the family's designee.


Veterans also may receive a U.S. flag, which is used to drape the casket during services and then is presented to the family.


Upon request, and as appropriate, Wackerman Funeral Home also will make arrangements for full military honors.


If I prepay for my funeral or that of a family member, how can I be assured that the funds will be available?

Wackerman Funeral Home participates in the SecurChoice™ program administered by the Pennsylvania Funeral Directors Association (PFDA). The PFDA helps ensure compliance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 


With SecurChoice, funerals can be prepaid using a funeral trust or an insurance policy.


An irrevocable funeral trust insures that your money may be withdrawn only for the designated funeral expenses. Interest earned on the account is used to offset inflation.


You may also choose to purchase an insurance policy specifically to cover funeral expenses.


Our licensed funeral directors are happy to work with you in a way that best meets your needs.